Rekindling Love on Valentine’s Day

To many individuals in long-term relationships, Valentine’s Day is often viewed as just another day. Although Valentine’s Day is meant to celebrate romantic love, many individuals may feel pressured to make the day as perfect as possible with expensive gifts and elaborate plans. This pressure may actually create distance between individuals due to increased stress and anxiety about planning rather than focusing on the quality time that could be spent together.  

Valentine’s Day may be the perfect opportunity for many couples to rekindle the love or be a time for reconnection. Many couples get sucked into everyday habits and schedules and often place little importance on the emotional aspect of the relationship, which could ultimately decrease intimacy in a relationship. As relationships evolve, the focus is often placed on financial stressors, children, or family planning and couples tend to unintentionally dedicate less and less time to the relationship. Due to this, insignificant arguments tend to increase and intimacy often decreases. If you find yourself to be in a relationship where the intimacy or excitement has died down, then Valentine’s Day may be the perfect time to put technology down, plan a romantic dinner, and enjoy quality time with your significant other.

Additionally, there are many ways to increase the excitement during this time of year. For example, leaving love notes for your spouse around the home can increase the anticipation for dedicated quality time together. Reminiscing about how you met and first started dating will remind you how you both fell in love in the beginning. Letting your significant other know the qualities that you love about him or her will facilitate open and positive conversations more often. In addition to discussing the positive qualities in your spouse, it can be helpful to list things that you have learned about your significant other throughout the years of the relationship. Having such discussions can help couples reconnect, laugh, and let go of insignificant issues.

Couples therapy services can also help you and your partner if you are experiencing difficulties rekindling the love or reconnecting. Contact Miami Psychology Group if you are interested in learning more about the couples therapy services that are offered by our licensed psychologists. We provide therapy services in Miami and Miami Beach areas.