Summer is coming to an end and many families are starting to prepare for the beginning of the school year. Most children experience disruptions to their routines over the summer vacation. For example, their sleep schedules change drastically and they lose the habit of doing homework everyday. This is likely to cause increased frustration in parents as they realize the first day of school is approaching. However, if parents begin to prepare for the school year early on, then it is likely that the school year will begin as smoothly as possible. Below we provided some recommendations of preparing children for school.
Preparing Children for School
We recommended that families begin to implement their structured routines and schedules at least one week prior to the first day of school. Specifically, we recommend to establish the appropriate bedtime, decrease time using electronics, organize school supplies, and establish a homework area. Additionally, schedule any required doctors appointments for annual check ups or vaccinations as soon as possible, as well as any gifted or psycho-educational evaluations which may be required for certain classroom placements.
A School Visit
Furthermore, if your child will begin the school year in a new school, we recommend to schedule a school visit before the first day of school. It will help your child feel more comfortable. The first day of school can be an overwhelming experience for many children. Therefore, being able to find their classroom easily may help decrease some of the first day anxiety. Talking to your child about fears or anxiety they may be experiencing will help you gain more of an understanding of their thought process. It can also help decrease the possibility of school refusal or school anxiety.
Lastly, meeting with a qualified psychologist may also help children and families feel more prepared for the upcoming school year. Please contact Miami Psychology Group if you are interested in psychotherapy services focused on preparing children for school for the upcoming school year. We serve Miami and Miami Beach areas.