The coronavirus pandemic has impacted our lives in numerous ways and triggered a mental health crisis during coronavirus. The media has covered rising unemployment rates, small businesses and large corporations filing for bankruptcy, and the urgent need for medical supplies. Being flooded with negative information on a daily basis has impacted us as individuals as we are also dealing with loss, loneliness, and significant life changes. During these times of stress and uncertainty, we often forget to engage in self-care practices and fail to set our mental health as a priority.

Although it is typical for people to feel stressed, overwhelmed, and worried about the current situation, many do not know when their symptoms have reached a clinical level. Similarly to our overall physical health, emotional preventative care is needed at this time. This sort of self-care involves maintaining a routine, staying active, monitoring our emotional states, and asking for help. For those who have a history of mental health concerns, continued treatment is crucial to prevent escalations in symptoms.
It is likely that rates of depression, anxiety, post traumatic stress disorder, and substance abuse problems will increase of a result of the psychological trauma individuals have faced during the pandemic. Needing to social distance, isolate, or witness the loss and impact associated with this health crisis can be psychologically traumatizing for many. It is common for many to currently push away negative feelings as they attempt to cope with uncertainty; however, symptoms of anxiety or depression may manifest in different forms, such as trouble sleeping, irritability, difficulties with concentration, lack of energy, and changes in appetite. It is recommended that individuals seek help when they begin experiencing some of these emotional or behavioral changes to prevent an increase in symptoms.
Unfortunately, as a mental health crisis is developing in the United States, there have not been significant efforts to place mental health services as a top priority. It may appear difficult to find help due to social distancing and mental health clinics shutting down. The majority of mental health clinics and centers were already underfunded before the pandemic, which has led many to shut their doors, leaving many individuals feeling scared and helpless. Fortunately, there has been a rise in tele-therapy services to help those in need from the comfort of their homes. Tele-therapy services allow individuals to meet consistently with mental health clinicians, allowing them to receive therapeutic services focused on various emotional difficulties.
If you or someone you know may be experiencing difficulties coping with stress, anxiety, depression, or other emotional difficulties, licensed psychologists at Miami Psychology Group are currently accepting new patients. Miami Psychology Group is currently providing tele-therapy services to children, adolescents, adults, couples, and families.