Nurturing Marriage and Relationships Over the Years

A strong, loving relationship is one of the most important sources of happiness. Our relationships give us support, companionship, and feelings of security. But even the most stable and happy marriages can hit a rocky period after a long period of contentment. It is common for couples to feel as though they are losing the spark after 10 to 15 years together. Below are some of the common (but solvable) problems couples have expressed and resolved in couples therapy after 10 plus years of marriage.

You Feel Like Roommates

One of the most common problems in a long-term relationship is the feeling that you are living with a companionable and comfortable roommate rather than a romantic partner. Keeping the romance alive in a marriage takes effort. Although you are comfortable, it’s crucial to ensure your spouse feels appreciated. Plan date nights, spend special times together, and give yourself opportunities to reconnect regularly.

Your Tolerance for One Another Has Reduced

In the early years of love, you and your partner’s less-than-desirable habits or personality traits were easily overlooked. But over the years, two things can happen. First, the charm of your partner’s quirks can dissipate and become annoying. Second, each of you may become complacent and stop controlling the parts of yourselves that are difficult to live with. It’s important to continue to work on yourselves and your relationship.

Life’s Stress Has Begun to Take Over

Years into marriage, blessings such as children, careers, and homeownership can place a strain on your relationship. Financial obligations, such as mortgages, vacations, and raising children, can occupy your attention and cause you to miss daily opportunities for appreciation and pleasure in the life you’ve built together. Make sure to prioritize time for each other despite these stressors.

Your Conversations Have Become Less Intimate

Heart-to-heart conversations are crucial to maintaining close intimacy with your partner. After years of marriage, you may feel you know everything about each other. However, this is not the case. Both partners experience profound life transitions, such as watching children grow, making and losing friendships, and changing careers. Discuss these issues with your partner in an intimate and meaningful way. Regularly reconnecting through meaningful conversation is essential.

Couples Therapy After 10 Plus Years of Marriage

There are many things you can do to reconnect and bring the spark back into your marriage. It is important to understand that the excitement of new love is not better than the love that grows over years of building a life together. Young love is often based on romantic ideals, while mature love is more real, valuable, and worth fighting for.

Couples counseling for couples that have been together for 10+ years can be effective in addressing issues that may damage the relationship. Instead of allowing yourselves to grow apart, it is beneficial to re-examine who you both are now in your marriage and how you are going to move forward together. Spending time in counseling can help you reconnect and create a deeper sense of togetherness.

A strong relationship requires ongoing effort, patience, and dedication. By addressing common challenges and seeking help when needed, you can keep your marriage and relationships thriving for years to come. Please contact us at Miami Psychology Group to learn how we can assist you.