Advantages of Couples Therapy Following Infidelity

Extramarital affairs can shatter our perception of reality, triggering profound feelings of betrayal. Nevertheless, engaging in couples therapy after such an event can yield several benefits, such as improved comprehension, revived trust and closeness, enhanced communication, and lessening post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms.

Post-infidelity, couples therapy can assist couples in the following ways:

  1. Comprehending the Genesis of the Affair Couples therapy provides both the cheated and cheating partner with insights into the affair’s origin, thereby preventing it from seeming like an unforeseen event. Predictability can lend stability to one’s life, facilitating the commencement of the healing process.
  2. Highlighting Pre-Existing Relationship Issues Couples therapy post-affair can reveal any pre-existing issues, patterns, or warning signs that might have paved the way for infidelity. By recognizing these signs, couples can adopt healthier communication and interaction methods.
    Examples of pre-existing relationship problems include:
    – The couple has ceased sleeping in the same bed.
    – The frequency of sex has dwindled.
    – They no longer express their worries and apprehensions to each other.
    – One partner constantly feels judged or humiliated by the other.
  1. Restoring Intimacy Through keen observation of a couple’s interactions, a competent therapist can identify their lack of oxytocin-utilizing habits, which are crucial for maintaining a strong bond. The therapist can then suggest strategies to reintroduce activities promoting physical touch, such as hand-holding while watching television, or resting a leg on your partner while reading in bed.
    Skin-to-skin contact, even non-sexual, can boost intimacy. Many couples, particularly those with children, fall into a habit of neglecting physical contact. Physical touch stimulates oxytocin, the hormone responsible for bonding and caretaking.
  1. Dealing with Childhood Wounds Skilled therapists can identify any childhood traumas that may have played a role in the affair, including attachment issues. Lack of awareness about these wounds can lead to constant triggering, fostering an environment conducive to infidelity.
  2. Evaluating Both Partners’ Contribution A couples therapist will examine how both partners may have unintentionally or consciously jeopardized the marriage. Neglecting our partner’s needs, being absorbed in personal issues, or prioritizing children or work above our partner can all threaten the sanctity of the marriage. We all yearn to feel needed.
  3. Recognizing Personal Goals & Values Couples therapy can foster self-understanding and help your partner comprehend themselves better. As we evolve over time, it’s beneficial to assess whether our aspirations and values align with those of our partner. Delving deep to discover any changes is the initial step towards recovery.
  4. Mending Trust Couples therapy provides a safe space for expressing a wide array of emotions, thus facilitating trust rebuilding in a relationship. When trust, the cornerstone of any healthy relationship, is compromised, it may seem insurmountable to mend. Couples therapy can help restore trust and equip couples with strategies to handle potential future trust issues.
  5. Encouraging Communication Couples therapy underscores the significance of communication. Understanding our partners’ thoughts and actions and responding effectively is crucial for relationship growth. Couples therapy can guide couples in adopting healthy communication techniques.
  6. Mitigating Psychological Trauma Symptoms Post-infidelity PTSD is not uncommon. The cheated partner may react with suspicion to changes in routine or excessive phone use by the other partner. Understanding PTSD within a relationship’s context is essential. It’s crucial to acknowledge the affected partner’s experience, manage the condition as a couple, and show sensitivity during the raw healing phase. This ensures the partner with PTSD symptoms feels more comfortable, acknowledged, and valued.
  7. Assessing Substance Use A couples therapist may inquire about substance use. Disparity in substance use can create a sense of disconnection in a relationship, leading to feelings of loneliness and making the attention from outside the marriage appealing. Therapists can educate couples about the detrimental impact of this issue and assist them in establishing healthier patterns.