Adjusting to life changes such as starting a new relationship, marriage, the birth of a child, parenting, going to college, relocating to another city or country, job changes, separation or divorce, empty nesting, death or losing a significant other, retirement etc., can bring many challenges in your life. Life changes can be good when they lead us to feelings of excitement, potential to grow, increased financial rewards, or forming new relationships among others. However, when a person has trouble adapting to life changes, it can impact their wellbeing causing stress that can manifest thru anxiety, depression, anger outburst, etc.

Big life changes can be exciting but also complicated. If you are having difficulty adjusting to life changes you might be experiencing high stress levels in your body which lead to physical signs such as pain or tension in your head, chest, stomach, or muscles. You might experience headaches, dizziness or shaking, high blood pressure, muscle tension or jaw clenching, or digestive problems. You might also experience depressive symptoms like sadness, hopelessness, worthlessness, trouble sleeping, difficulty concentrating, feelings overwhelmed, withdrawing from others, and even suicidal or behavioral thoughts.

Psychologists can help you navigate through the process of life changes by providing numerous coping strategies to adjust to the changes in your life becoming healthier and happier again. Psychologists can provide you with numerous suggestions so you can begin to use self-care, become more active, help you deal with depressive or anxiety provoking situations through calming strategies and cognitive behavioral techniques. Mindfulness techniques like meditation, yoga, and deep breathing can be taught to you during psychological intervention as well as family therapy or referral to other support groups.